

OpenForum has an iPhone App

The site that I work on, American Express’ OPEN Forum, has an iPhone app.  It just hit the App Store today. If you’d like to learn more about the iPhone App, watch the video. You do not meet the requirements to play this video If you’d like to download the file, visit to http://OPENForum.com/mobile.

Gas Price Feeds: Here’s a Map

In these trying economic times, saving money any way you can is key to staying afloat. How about saving money on gas prices?  GasBuddy.com has an answer: Gas Prices provided by GasBuddy.com Click here to add this map to your website. GasBuddy is a “crowdsourced” site where the general public contributes daily the price of a gallon of gas.  When.. Read more

Cool Site Launch of Mine: AmericaFree.tv

I’m wanted to let people know some new functionality on AmericaFree.tv (AFTV). It’s a project of mine CP+B. What is AFTV? AFTV is a joint venture of CP+B (where I work) whose purpose is to redefine television. Streaming 14 channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, AFTV is television for the people, by the people. It strives to.. Read more

I won an Internet Advertising Competition Award

I (along with my team) won an Internet Advertising Competition Award!!! I couldn't be happier!!! It was for the Westin Snowmass website I produced at texturemedia for my client Playground. The award was for best Real Estate Microsite.   Very Cool!

MusiciansDirect.Org: A new JZapin.com site

Go ahead and check out my newest creation: http://www.musiciansdirect.org.  I built this site for my good friend Mike Marsh who is a Musician and was looking for a way to represent his bands online.  MusiciansDirect is an agency that he started to represent his own bands. It's a pretty neat site that has teh following features: Built on Joomla! content.. Read more

Interactive Agency Project Management Forum Created

Check out the new Interactive Agency Project Management Forum I just created on Google Groups: http://groups.google.com/group/Interactive-Agency-Project-Management Why I did I start this group… Quite frankly, because I haven't found a forum anywhere for people who manage creative projects.  While there are definitely Project Management forums (http://www.pmi.org, http://www.gantthead.com), there is virtually no chatter about people who manage the development of experiential,.. Read more

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